English translation of news articles and press releases for Energy Observer is done by MotaWord.
Energy Observer is the first self-sufficient energy vessel with zero greenhouse gas emissions or fine particles. It is powered by hydrogen and renewable energies, thanks to energy coupling.
Their vision of the future consists of drawing energy from nature, without damaging it, and without wasting it. Energy Observer is currently on an Odyssey for 6 years, 50 countries and 101 stopovers and want to share their vision throughout the world, thanks to this Odyssey. Getting the word out of course means English translation of their content.
MotaWord is proud to support Energy Observer in this odyssey with all their English translation needs. Energy Observer regularly shares news about their journey and these are prepared in French; to be translated into English by MotaWord’s fast, reliable and high-quality translation process.
The press releases before a stop-over are also translated into English by MotaWord.
We are proud to be part of Energy Observer’s journey and look forward to a future where our technology draws its energy from nature without damaging it. Until then we will content ourselves in handling their English translations.
You can visit Energy Observer’s website for all of their news their news in French and their English translations. You can also subscribe to their newsletter to find out more about their Odyssey.
For all your content translations into English or any other language, MotaWord supports to get in touch with us today.